The Technical and Citizens Committee is represented by citizens, staff and other participating agencies responsible for or affected by the implementation of transportation plans, products or improvements. Their role is to assist and advise the policy board on technical matters as it relates to transportation process elements.
The TCC does not have the authority to adopt transportation products or plans. Their role is to review products and plans, and analyze the technical aspects as it relates to costs, construction, design or other technical matters and make a recommendation for adoption or acceptance to the Executive Policy Committee. The TACC plays an important role in the review of transportation projects and plans. Without the involvement of this committee a cooperative, continuing, and comprehensive transportation planning process would not occur. It is their responsibility to make recommendations for approval, denial, or acceptance to the policy board regarding documents required of the Metropolitan Transportation Planning process.
Rapid City Community Planning and Development Services Department, Long Range Planning; |
Rapid City Public Works Department, Engineering Division; |
Rapid City Public Works Department, Traffic Engineer; |
Rapid City Public Works Department, Street Division; |
Rapid City Public Works Department, Urban Systems Engineer; |
Rapid City Public Works Department, Rapid Transit Manager; |
Rapid City Regional Airport Administration; |
Rapid City Police Department, Traffic Division; |
Rapid City Community Planning and Development Services Department, Current Planning; |
Rapid City School District; |
Pennington County Planning Department; |
Pennington County Drainage Coordinator; |
Pennington County Highway Department; |
Pennington County Sheriff’s Office; |
Meade County Director of Equalization; |
Meade County Sheriff’s Department; |
Meade County Highway Department; |
Meade County Transportation Committee; |
Meade School District 46-1; |
City of Box Elder Planning Department; |
City of Box Elder Public Works Department; |
City of Box Elder Police Department; |
City of Summerset Finance Office; |
City of Summerset Mayor; |
Douglas School District; |
Ellsworth Air Force Base; |
SDDOT, Division of Planning and Engineering; |
SDDOT, Office of Local Transportation Programs; |
SDDOT, Division of Operations, Regional Engineer; |
Roger Gallimore, Meade County Appointee |
Lynn Kendall, Meade County Appointee |
Bob Burns - Citizen Interest |
Gary Weitgrefe - Citizen Interest |
Amy Richie - Citizen Interest |
Laura Armstrong - Citizen Interest |
Gerry Eick - Citizen Interest |