Executive Policy Committee Meeting

Start Time: 6/13/24, 1:30 PM

End Time: 6/13/24, 2:30 PM

Zoom Video Conference and Circle of Friends Community Room, City Hall 2nd Floor

300 Sixth Street

Rapid City, SD 57701

  1. EPC Minutes 04 18 24
  2. 24TP011 - Highway 1416 and Radar Hill Road Corridor Study Final Report
  3. 24TP017 - Penningtin County Master Transportation Plan Final Report 
  4. 24TP019 - Major Street Plan Analysis and Update Draft Report
  5. 24TP020 - Resolution Adopting the Rapid City Area MPO Functional Classification Map
  6. 24TP021 - Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Self Certification
  7. 24TP022 - 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program - Draft Report
  8. 24TP024 - Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Operations Plan Update
  9. 24TP025 - 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment 24-003A
  10. Elk Vale Road Reconstruction Discussion Follow up
