Executive Policy Committee Meeting

Start Time: 4/18/24, 1:30 PM

End Time: 4/18/24, 2:30 PM

Zoom Video Conference and Circle of Friends Community Room, City Hall 2nd Floor

300 Sixth Street

Rapid City, SD 57701

  1. EPC Minutes 02 15 24
  2. 24TP012 - Pennington County Master Transportation Plan Draft Report
  3. 24TP008 - 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment #24-003
  4. 24TP009 - Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization 2023 Traffic Volume Counts Report
  5. 24TP013 - Combining CAC and TCC
  6. 24TP014 - Section 5310 Award Recommendation 
  7. 24TP015 - Rapid City Comprehensive Plan Update Community Engagement Plan
  8. 24TP016 - Rapid City Area MPO Title VI Non-Discrimination Assurances
  9. Elk Vale Road Reconstruction Discussion