
Meeting Cancellation Notice

 The Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) meetings for Thursday April 11, 2019, has been cancelled

The MPO meetings will be rescheduled to Thursday, May 16, 2019.

Stay tuned to either the MPO website at or the Rapid City Area MPO Facebook for meeting updates.


Posted 7/9/2024
The public is invited to attend a number of community events next week and at the same time provide valuable insights and feedback in the development of the City’s new Comprehensive Plan. The City is working to collect valuable public input in the development of a new City Comprehensive Plan - essentially the City’s playbook for the future. City staff will be available at the following events to seek public feedback: •July 9: 5-8 p.m. Family Food Truck Night at Canyon Lake Park •July 10: 7-9 p.m. Concert in the Park at Memorial Park Band Shell •July 11: 5-8 p.m. Summer Nights at Main Street Square The City’s current Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2014 and officials are working to upgrade the document to guide the City’s development and decision-making in areas such as housing, transportation, economy, quality of life improvements, infrastructure development and more. “Rapid City is embarking on an exciting journey to shape our future and want the public to be a part of it,” said City Planning Projects Division Manager Sarah Hanzel. “The Comprehensive Plan will guide our future growth and development, and better reflect the needs of the current community.” Hanzel said the community events next week will combine local entertainment and an opportunity to take a few moments to contribute to the community’s future and participate in a collaborative community arts project. “Our planning team will be on site at the community events, ready to listen to your thoughts and answer questions about the Comprehensive Plan process,” Hanzel said. Rapid City residents are encouraged to visit to take the questionnaire and learn more. The City is working with the Logan Simpson firm to develop the project. The City’s current Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2014, can be accessed on the City’s website at under the ‘Featured Content’ section of the home page.
Posted 5/28/2024
Tuesday, May 28, 2024 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM City Council Chambers and Circle of Friends Community Room, City Hall (300 6th Street, Rapid City, SD 57701) Project Website: www.RCmajorstreets.comThe Rapid City Area MPO (RCAMPO), in conjunction with the City of Rapid City and the South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT), will hold a public meeting to provide an update on the Major Street Plan Update and Analysis. Attendees will be asked to provide feedback on the draft Plan and its recommendations. Written comments will be accepted through June 4, 2024, and may be submitted at the open house, via mail to RCAMPO, through the project website, or directly to one of the project contacts listed below. Members of the project team and MPO staff will be available to answer questions and receive input. A pre-recorded presentation will be playing throughout the evening, so please attend anytime during the meeting time. Informational displays and comment forms will be available for residents to learn more about the project and submit feedback.
Posted 5/21/2024
The City of Rapid City is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to complete the Safe Streets and Roads for All Safety Action Plan. In 2020, the City of Rapid City adopted the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (Bike/Ped Plan). While the Bike/Ped Plan provided a list of recommended improvements throughout the Metropolitan Planning Area, it did not provide the emphasis on safety required to serve as a Safe Streets and Roads for All Safety Action Plan (SS4A Plan). The City applied for and was awarded a Planning Grant to produce a SS4A Plan in 2023. The intent of this project is to build upon the foundation created by the Bike/Ped Plan to create a plan to reduce or eliminate roadway fatalities and serious injuries in Rapid City for all roadway users, and provide a list of prioritized projects for future SS4A Implementation. The purpose of the SS4A program is to improve roadway safety by significantly reducing or eliminating roadway fatalities and serious injuries through safety action plan development and implementation focused on all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation users, motorists, personal conveyance and micromobility users, and commercial vehicle operators. The Request for Proposals is available on,, and For questions or additional information, contact Kip Harrington, Long Range Planning Manager at (605) 394-4120 or
Posted 4/26/2024
Rapid Gets Creative! Purpose and Intent: The purpose of the Rapid Gets Creative effort is to inspire creativity and enhance accessibility of feedback for all community members to contribute their ideas to the 2024 Comprehensive Plan update. Messaging: About In 2014, Rapid City adopted its Comprehensive Plan. Now, it’s time for the City to update its Plan to better reflect today’s community, guide future development and plan for growth over the next twenty years. Rapid City has a vibrant and culturally rich arts community, which inspired the Comprehensive Plan’s arts-based approach. Our goal is to let the community's voice shine through in whatever way they express themselves most authentically, tapping into Rapid City’s creative energy to capture what the community really cares about. Art is about more than aesthetics; it's about creating diverse and meaningful ways to communicate and relate.  Overall, this Plan is about getting everyone involved and making sure that your voice is heard loud and clear. How do I contribute? There are many ways to be creative, to make art, and express yourself. Rapid Gets Creative welcomes all art forms, skill levels, and community members to use their creativity to elevate the Rapid City Comprehensive Plan! You can submit a dance, poem, drawing, painting—anything that feels like art to you and conveys the message “What do you love most about Rapid City?” and “What makes Rapid City special?”. To start your artistic process, think of the elements or pieces of Rapid City that you love or inspire you. Then, create or imagine a work of art that captures why you have chosen to call Rapid City home. Art comes in all forms, and creation is part of your everyday life! So, whether you’re painting your 100th painting or writing a poem for the first time—your work is welcome and appreciated in this process. How will my submission be used? Your art will be reviewed by the project team with the opportunity to be selected as a contributor to various materials throughout the planning process such as the website, social media content, a showcase exhibit, and the final plan documents. You will be given credit for any art submitted that gets chosen. You will also be recognized as a contributor to the Plan in the final draft. Any social media contacts or website links are welcomed and can be posted alongside your artwork! You can also submit anonymously or provide general information for how you would like to be credited.
Posted 3/26/2024
The South Dakota Department of Transportation’s Air, Rail and Transit Program invites you to participate in the development of a Statewide Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan. More information on this statewide planning effort can be found at Input from a wide range of stakeholders like yourself is a key component in this effort, so please plan to join us at one of our upcoming regional public workshops. You’ll have the opportunity to provide your thoughts on transportation needs and potential improvements – particularly for older adults and people with disabilities. We also encourage you to forward this invite to others that may have interest in attending the workshop. Your assistance in this effort is critical, and we thank you in advance for your participation! While we hope that you can join us in-person for the workshop, you may also participate online.
Posted 1/8/2024
The Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), is accepting applications for the urban capital assistance program provided through Section 5310 funds from the Federal Transit Administration. Entities interested in seeking capital assistance through this program must submit the application to the MPO. The MPO will rank the applications prior to forwarding a 5310 funding recommendation to the SDDOT for consideration. Applications can be found at beginning January 8, 2024, or emailed upon request. For questions on the application, call the Rapid City Area MPO office at 605-394-4120 or email Applications are due to the Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Office, 300 Sixth Street, Rapid City, SD 57701, by 4 p.m. MST February 9, 2024.
Posted 1/8/2024
SUMMERSET, SD -The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) in conjunction with the Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), City of Summerset, and Meade County will hold a public meeting open house on Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2024, from 5:30 – 7 p.m. MT to inform area residents and business owners of the proposed interchange modification study at Interstate 90, exit 48 (Stagestop Road). The public meeting open house will be held at Stagebarn Middle School located at 12500 Sturgis Rd. in Summerset. The public meeting will be informal allowing for one-on-one discussion with design staff. Representatives from SDDOT will be available to answer questions, discuss the project, and receive community input. A short presentation will be shared at 5:30 p.m. The purpose of the public meeting is to provide information and gather public input. Area residents, business owners, and daily commuters are encouraged to attend and participate in the public meeting. This project is being developed in compliance with state and federal environmental regulations. For those who cannot attend the public meeting, or desire additional information on the overall study, information is available online Written comments on the public meeting will be accepted until Friday, Feb. 9, 2024. Notice is further given to individuals with disabilities that this public meeting is being held in a physically accessible place. Any individuals with disabilities who will require a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting should submit a request to the department’s ADA Coordinator at 605-773-3540 or 1-800-877-1113 (Telecommunication Relay Services for the Deaf). Please request the accommodations no later than two business days prior to the meeting in order to ensure accommodations are available.
Posted 12/19/2023
The Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to complete the Rapid TRIP 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan. Every five years, the Metropolitan Planning Organization produces a Metropolitan Transportation Plan, previously known as the Long Range Transportation Plan. The purpose of this plan is to encourage and promote a safe and efficient transportation system to serve future year transportation demands. Results of the MTP process are intended to serve the overall mobility needs of the area, while also being cost effective and consistent with state and local goals and objectives. This document presents the tasks and data requirements to identify and develop a list of transportation projects to meet anticipated future demand needs of the Rapid City Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) through the year 2050. Major components of this process include consistency with federal and state guidelines and significant attention to public participation, mapping, data collection, and model development. These components will establish a policy foundation for metropolitan transportation decisions affecting the MPA and are described in more detail in the following list of tasks. The Rapid City Metropolitan Planning Area is designated by the Governor and the MPO Executive Policy Committee and encompasses the 20 year urbanized growth area, as defined in 23 CFR Part 450. As such, its transportation planning process is mandated to meet specific requirements for MPO transportation plans, as set forth in the CFR regulations. Consequently, it is essential that the transportation plans for the Rapid City Metropolitan Planning Area comply with state and federal programs. The MTP must demonstrate compliance with the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) in accordance with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) rulings. This compliance includes but is not limited to review of the current scoring mechanism and propose adjustments as necessary to ensure performance based planning is incorporated, performing revenue and project cost forecasting, and creating separate ranking categories for highway, transit, and pedestrian and bike improvements.
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