Keep Rapid City Moving

The Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) helps keep Rapid City moving for the future. The MPO’s regional transportation planning process ensures that existing and future expenditures for transportation projects and programs are based on a comprehensive, cooperative, and continuing planning process.

MPO News
Posted 2/11/2025
In 2023, Rapid City was awarded $160,000 to develop a Safety Action Plan as part of the U.S. Department of Transportation's Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant program. This funding provides our community the opportunity to develop a plan that expands upon existing transportation goals and objectives to create a safer community with zero roadway deaths. The Safety Action Plan will include a safety analysis of Severe Crash Events, Current Conditions, and Road Users. The SS4A Safety Action Plan will utilize that data, along with future forecasted conditions, to develop a plan that will analyze the entire transportation system to identify high priority safety locations and provide recommendations to address issues at these locations. The recommendations will be prioritized into short-, mid- and long-term projects to create an implementation plan.
Posted 10/18/2024
The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) is seeking public input on active transportation to plan for improvements to biking, walking, and access to transit in South Dakota. To sign up for project update and future opportunities visit:
Posted 10/17/2024
Public Meeting & Open House for RapidTRIP 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Every five years, the Metropolitan Planning Organization produces a Metropolitan Transportation Plan, previously known as the Long Range Transportation Plan. The purpose of this plan is to encourage and promote a safe and efficient transportation system to serve future year transportation demands. Results of the MTP process are intended to serve the overall mobility needs of the area, while also being cost effective and consistent with state and local goals and objectives. The Rapid City Metropolitan Planning Organization would like to invite everyone to the the Public Meeting and Open House on Thursday, October 17th, from 4:00-6:00pm at the City Council Chambers and Circle of Friends Community Room, City Hall 2nd Floor, 300 Sixth Street. More information can be found on the RapidTRIP 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan can be found at For questions or comments, please contact Dustin Hamilton, Project Manager with HDR Engineering at (605) 791-6103 or Kip Harrington , Long Range Planning Manager at (605) 394-4120 or
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